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Shop At Goodwill

Our stores are brimming with fashionable brand-name items, hidden treasures and one-of-a-kind merchandise at bargain prices.

When you thrift at Goodwill thrift store, you’re not the only one who gets a great deal. You empower your neighbors in the Berkshires and Southern Vermont to build a better future and change their lives. You also help the planet as you reuse, repurpose or upcycle the gently used items you’ll find.

Thrifting Is The Antidote To Fast Fashion

Two Women with Speech Bubbles

Thrifting is giving new life to secondhand goods— including essentials like clothes, household items, and furniture — as well as fun stuff you want — collectibles, toys, games, books, and maybe, just maybe, a treasure.

Even more, thrifting is the thrill of finding something unique, saving money, and helping the environment by eliminating textile waste.

Find Something Unique

When looking for cheaply made, trendy items is not the right answer; previously loved garments and other items provide an affordable way to create your own unique look. You can have a style of your own by reusing and repurposing.

Shop For A Better Planet

The most sustainable goods are the ones that already exist. It is estimated that 26 billion pounds of clothing and textiles pile up in landfills each year. Make a difference when you shop.

Help Your Community

When you thrift at Goodwill, you are helping the community. The money you spend supports our programs to empower individuals to gain independence through the power of work.

Why You Should Thrift At Goodwill

Goodwill Transforms Your Purchases Into Job Opportunities

“Can a thrift store still call itself a thrift store if it’s in business to make a profit rather than raising money for a charity? You betcha. Savers, Unique Thrift stores and Valu Thrift do. All are for-profit stores in the biz to make money like any retailer, not to support a charitable mission,” said John Ewoldt in Charities Review Counsel.

Goodwill is a non-profit. 87% of the money you spend at Goodwill of the Berkshires and Southern Vermont goes to help the community.

Our specialty is “Job Coaching.” We guide people who are either underprivileged youth or have a mental or physical disability and teach them employment skills that may seem like common sense to us but are a far more complex lesson for others.

That is why we say you can do good and have a great shopping experience.